History and Goals
(Newer Members Meeting: 2020 )
History and Goals of CCA
On February 2, 1970 an Association of Carmelite Nuns was formed in the United States. The primary aim and purpose of this association is to deepen and develop the Teresian contemplative life in the contemporary church and world. In virtue of their common source, vocation and mission in the church, the member monasteries through corporate effort, study, and sharing, seek to collaborate in the work of renewal and adaptation.
Now called Carmelite Communities Associated, CCA, this association grew out of a desire to respond to the Holy See’s repeated directions regarding federation of contemplative communities; more immediately it has grown out of our increasing desire for greater unity and collaboration.
In the strength of this unity it is our hope and purpose to provide an atmosphere of respect, support, and encouragement to one another.
CCA 2023 – 2025 Goals
Goal 1: We have fostered a broader acceptance of unity in diversity and the mutuality of the Carmelite family, especially by continuing collaboration, friendship and communion among associations/federations at home and abroad. We have reached out, and collaborated with, other religious organizations to explore life-giving relationships in ways that are mutually beneficial.
Goal 2: We have continued to work at achieving a representative voice in matters affecting our lives, the Teresian charism, and the Order.
Goal 3: We have developed and empowered our members to be future leaders of and/or contributors to CCA.
Goal 4: We have continued to provide active, mutual support to the identified needs of our communities. Coming from a way of life that emphasizes autonomy, we now affirm the desire to continue to create a culture of sisterhood.
Goal 5: Each CCA community has adopted the protocol/practice of documentation in each of the areas as recommended by the task force and will have such in place within the next two years along with a process to keep current.
Goal 6: We have explored and proposed options for the future functioning of the CCA by the end of the upcoming tenure.